Sunday, November 7, 2010

My Old Lappy, Sold

My first ever first-hand laptop, a NEC Versa was something I was proud of. Bought at a whooping RM4000 from Low Yatt, it was one of the best product of NEC at that time, with Intel Core Duo, 14 inch screen, and Nvidia Graphics. I completely rendered the keyboard unusable when I spilled my coffee on it, one day. The coffee somehow ruined the power and wifi button. I transformed the laptop into a desktop by attaching an external monitor and a keyboard. It served me good until I became very nauseous with the constant edgy lines formed on the monitor. It seemed that the power inlet had become loose and electrical current leaked causing funny lines on the monitor and buzzing sound from the speakers. Finally after serving me for 5 years, I finally sold the laptop for 50 dollars. Salute to NEC for a great product.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Superb Presentation

"That was the single best presentation I've ever seen!"

My colleague patted on my back and kept praising. I pulled a little smile. I just finished giving a presentation on Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, a rheumatoid disease affecting children.

"All those animation, and arrows flying, it was like you're using a special version of Power Point. How did you pull that kind of stuff?"

"Err, I learnt them from Youtube"

The actual thing is actually I have been playing around with Microsoft Power Point for years. So, graphic and its custom animation have become a second nature to me. I have always been bored to death by the consultants' lectures. So, I've decided to show those narcissistic dudes, how to give a kick-ass presentation.