Monday, October 18, 2010

Easy sleeper

I am really tired these days. My circadian rhythm has gone harewire and I doze off, each time I put my head on a pillow. It takes only seconds for me to be teleported to my dreamland. I am an easy sleeper. The fact that I doze off so easily, even when sitting in upright position really bothers me so much, especially when listening to lectures. Perhaps, we don't call that as circadian problem disorder or something else to do with my biological clock. I just get sleepy pretty easily. Something my colleagues and my depressed patients would envy of. By the way I read half of the nearly one thousand pages of Kaplan and Sadock, and now I feel like a Psychiatrist, or rather a psychiatric patient, to be more accurate. I finished the third rotation. Dozed it off pretty easily, although the OSCE was tough.

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